Some days you just feel great!
Day 25-August 2, 2021-Puppy Dog Tales
Feeling good today! All day since I sprung out of bed, I’ve been feeling alive! Energy rebounded, and I walked with Lila to the lake at 9:00 o’clock before we had breakfast. It was such a beautiful day-sun, breeze, 75 degrees, a gorgeous sky over the lake.
Today said “community” almost as soon as we got out the door. We met a man and woman sitting on the stoop outside the defunct “Alderman’s Office,” and the woman fawned over Lila, so we had to stop.
“Ooh, she’s so beautiful, soft, chocolatey-brown…” We chit-chatted a bit, then strolled on, stopped again to meet another neighbor… comfortable, common connections.
On the way back from the beach, we ran into a man with his dog off leash- a spaniel Beagle mix. A total, little whippersnapper, he came prancing over to meet Lila and, of course, she barked, but not determinedly. Lila hates every dog always, but I have faith that can still change.
He danced away, but then came back and checked her out as I talked with the man. Another male dog came by, and the two males began to play. Even though the second dog was on a leash, the dog’s handler was a “leash dance” expert, and the two dashed after each other, chasing, jumping, pawing. I love a good dog ballet!
I could feel Lila’s eyes on them as they egged each other on. When the smaller, leashed dog sauntered over to Lila, she didn’t even bark, tolerated his sniffs without moving, then let him get close and smell her back end.
Maybe there is hope; it was so sweet. Lila’s only been with me just shy of two years, and she’s eight years old, so we have a lot of negativity to undo.
The rocks and shells screamed to announce themselves at the beach; Lila even helped me find a couple of real “specialers.” And now, as I lay out the rocks against a piece of white paper, they are forming themselves into distinct pairs.
So, I have no choice on what’s happening with my art today; It’s actually kind of nice.
Until tomorrow... For Your Consideration...
Watching dogs play fills me with joy. What fills you with joy?