Day 3, July 11, 2021
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE...’s finds and their art- unique shapes, materials, and textures. I’m learning that I love using sand in my art. If I hadn’t had it sitting there on the table, left out after finishing the “time” project, I never would have thought about using it in other pieces.
Timing is everything. Ha! I’ve been working on the time project for over two years, finished it last weekend, and now all this… And the name of today’s piece?
“Magic is in the air!”
Went back and did yesterday’s art as well. I know that’s kind of cheating – not doing it yesterday – but still and all, this is a new process, and I am learning – pace, approach, new materials…
Yesterday’s piece is on a 4” x 4” tile, layered with a magazine picture, exciting, volatile and yet a meditation on the fury of nature, what happens when we unshackle ourselves, and flow like water. The crevices hold things we didn’t know of – water finds these places - we cannot hide.
Cannot f***ing believe how much life can change in four days. I was so low on Thursday and Friday, and then I had my “Big Magic” epiphany. Today I did my third of 30 days on my wellness project challenge and realized walking home from the beach that 3 out of 30 equals 10% and I am on my way toward completing my goal!
I have three art projects done, three entries in my blog, and tomorrow I will map out the details of how the project works for teaching others how to do their own. This project is so f***ing brilliant I cannot believe it.
Walking home I saw art… beauty… in everything, from a tiny patch of mushrooms growing wild between two rocks, to a dead leaf floating in a mud puddle. Freaking unbelievable!
I walked to the beach three days in a row and my back actually feels better than before I started. I hope this holds because I am so HAPPY – FLOWING – uniting my many selves, my head, heart, and spirit, and stopping time in the process (need to write about this sometime soon).
And today is also my one-year anniversary with my doggy-girl Lila! I want to do something special with her, but not sure what…
Maybe we’ll sit on the deck, and I can do some creative writing or poetry…
Summer Chill
The chill of Fall in summer
oddly comforting,
the air damp and cool,
sweat-shirted neighbors
walk dogs lazily.
The green leaves bely
the seeming season.
My dog is not seeking
the shade beneath my chair.
I need socks but
won’t fetch them –
too much quiet to disturb.
A bird lands on the railing
eyes me unconcerned
but doesn’t stay.
It’s July,
I’m in Chicago with
no sweat on my brow…
Sweatshirt zipped, long pants
craving socks,
the gray sky darkening
into night,
as I eavesdrop
on my city.
the moon will not grace
me tonight.
I miss her,
that creamy glow
how it nurtures me.
time to go.
Thanks for Reading!
Until tomorrow... For Your Consideration...
What is it time for in your life?
Do you want to create your own 30-Day Project?
Is it time to LEAP?